并发招生 is defined as the enrollment of a high school student in a college course taught on a high school campus (or in selected cases on the college campus or by distance/digital 技术)高中学分和大学学分. (阿肯色州法典第6-18-223条). 并发招生 allows students to obtain credit toward a high school diploma 同时他们还可以获得大学学分.
双录取 is defined as the enrollment of a high school student in postsecondary education 专为大学水平的学分. (阿肯色州法典第6-60-202条).
批准,bc365游戏并行招生计划由学校批准 阿肯色州高等教育协调委员会.
If you are interested in receiving 并发招生 credit (college credit + high school credit), please contact your high school counselor to discuss eligibility requirements and concurrent credit course offerings to achieve maximum benefit from 并发招生.
If you are interested in receiving dual enrollment credit (college credit only), please 联系bc365游戏并行学分主任,电话:(870)460-1668.
- On site at bc365游戏’s 3 campuses (蒙蒂塞洛, Crossett, or McGehee) with a bc365游戏 approved 教员
- 在线课程,由bc365游戏认可的教员授课
- On site at your high school with a high school instructor approved by bc365游戏
Eligibility/Admission 需求 for both 并发招生 and dual enrollment:
- 9-12年级的高中生
- 完整的 bc365游戏同时入学申请
- Proof of immunizations clearly showing two MMR (measles, mumps, rubella) injections 和/或豁免
- Letter of recommendation from a high school administrator, completed on official school letterhead, indicating that the student may enroll in college-level work
- Qualified placement scores (acceptable exams include: ACT, Accuplacer Next Generation, SAT, ASPIRE 9点th or 10th grade level) 请联系 your high school counselor or the bc365游戏 Director of Concurrent 课程特定考试分数要求的学分.
- 高中成绩单
For a student born internationally, Arkansas law requires Department of Health Tuberculosis 筛选和bc365游戏需要完成一个 结核菌素数据收集问卷 大学生.
**返回并发招生的学生做 不 need to complete a new application or submit additional admission documents. 除非 他们希望为课程安排提供最新的考试成绩.
请联系 your high school counselor to obtain the necessary supporting documents (transcript, immunization, letter of recommendation, placement scores). 在你 complete your bc365游戏 admission application, contact your high school counselor to discuss 课程注册.
家庭教育权和隐私权法案(FERPA) (20 U.S.C. § 1232g; 34 CFR Part 99) is a Federal law that protects the privacy of student education records. 法律 applies to all schools that receive funds under an applicable program of the U.S. 教育部. FERPA赋予父母一定的权利 子女教育记录. 这些权利转移到学生,当他或她 达到18岁或 在高中以上的学校就读. If a student wants the University to release any educational records, the student must complete a “Release of Information” request located in the student’s WeevilNet 自助服务帐户. 欲了解更多信息,请查看发布和/或限制 信息政策.
The high school student shall be responsible for all costs of college/university courses taken for concurrent credit, unless the costs for these courses are paid by the public school district, a college/university scholarship, a grant, or a private foundation.
A student is considered to be enrolled in a secondary school if the student is pursuing 高中文凭(34 CFR 668).32(b)). 因此,并行学生是分类的 作为无学位/无证书的学生 不 符合联邦学生经济援助计划的资格.
If you are taking concurrent credit courses on the bc365游戏-蒙蒂塞洛 campus, please be sure to complete the following after you are successfully admitted and registered.
- 拿一份你的bc365游戏副本 学生证 -(居住生活,SSC套房204二楼)
- 支付账单——你可以通过访问 收银员的办公室 located on the second Floor of Harris Hall, over the phone (870) 460-1043, or online 通过你的 学生WeevilNet
- Get your parking permit by visiting the 大学警察局. 你需要 带上你的车辆登记、驾驶执照和学生证.
- 开始检查 bc365游戏邮件. 电子邮件是bc365游戏的官方沟通方式. 查找bc365游戏帐户信息.
- 规划好你的课程. 请随意探索教学楼,找到你的教室 第一天之前. 如果您需要帮助定位大楼,请与主任联系 并行信贷.
- 购买课本(http://www.bkstr.com/uamontstore/home)
- If you are taking online classes, please familiarize yourself with bc365游戏’s learning 管理系统, 黑板上. Course material will 不 appear in 黑板上 until the first day of classes.
As a high school 并发招生 liaison, you are a vital part of bc365游戏’s Concurrent 招生计划. 您将与bc365游戏的一位同步联络员密切合作 下面列出的. For general concurrent credit questions, please contact the Director 并行信贷.
蒙蒂塞洛校园联络处 贝瑟妮·沃尼克,并行信贷主管 haydenb@zheego.com (870) 460-1668 |
克罗塞特校园联络员 道恩·里德,副校长助理 reedd@zheego.com (870) 460-2030 |
麦吉校园联络员 伊莱恩·哈格雷夫斯,助理副校长 hargravese@zheego.com (870) 460-2106 |
Qualified 并发招生 instructors may teach high school students for concurrent 高中的学分. 该申请将被视为并行讲师 位于 在这里. Additional guidance for 并发招生 instructors may be found in the 兼职教员手册.
- 使用由bc365游戏学术单位批准的课程大纲
- Use the same textbook as on campus course or a textbook with aligned content and course 由澳大学术单位认可的学习成果
- Adopt the same learning outcomes and assignments as those developed for the course bc365游戏校区提供的课程
- Use the same course grading/awarding standards as those on the bc365游戏 campus. 如果部门 exams are used, then those course exams must be used at the high school.
教师教学 通识教育 concurrent courses must have a master’s degree that includes a minimum of 18 graduate college credit hours in the subject area being taught; a criminal background check 对公立学校教师进行虐待儿童的培训. 授课教师 blended AP or IB concurrent courses must meet the same requirements with the addition 成功的AP培训文件.
教师并行教学 技术教育 courses must have a minimum of a technical permit in the area of instruction or an 在教学或相关领域的大专学历. 测试经验 可以代替获得的证书吗. (院校(或HLC)要求)
The background check and child maltreatment training apply to instructors who travel to the high school or secondary center as well as those who have direct, official 与高中生接触.
Concurrent instructors are evaluated annually by the academic unit head/dean or the 课程所属的同步联络. 评估包括自我评估 课堂观察.
新兼职教师的培训可以在黑板上上找到. 所有的并发 instructors are encouraged to attend bc365游戏’s professional development week held in early 8月. 可能需要特定学科的专业发展. 请联系 the Director 并行信贷 or the academic unit dean/liaison for more information.
请联系 the Director 并行信贷 to explore a 并发招生 伙伴关系.
(870) 460-1668